Why You Might Need Temperature-Controlled Pharmaceutical Transport

10 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport is essential for ensuring that temperature-sensitive medications and medical products are safely delivered to their destination. With the introduction of new temperature-regulated packaging solutions, temperature control during transportation has become increasingly important in the healthcare industry.

As such, it's vital for companies involved in transporting temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals to have a reliable temperature-controlled system in place.

This article explains why temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport is so important and what measures can be taken to ensure the safe delivery of sensitive products. It'll also cover the types of temperature regulations that must be met when transporting these items and how technology can help monitor temperatures throughout the journey.

Temperature Sensitivity in Pharmaceuticals

Temperature sensitivity is one of the biggest challenges when transporting temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals. Most temperature-sensitive medications and medical products must be transported at a temperature range between 2°C to 8°C – within the temperature-controlled packaging range.

If this temperature range is not met, the quality and efficacy of temperature-sensitive medications can be compromised.

Vaccines, for instance, are temperature-sensitive and must be kept between 2°C to 8°C (35°F to 46°F) throughout the entire transportation process. If these temperature regulations are not met, the vaccine's potency can suffer and even become useless.

The same temperature regulations must be followed for temperature-sensitive drugs, life-saving treatments, and other temperature-sensitive medical products.

Regulations in the Healthcare Industry

The temperature regulations for temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport are laid out by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and International Air Transport Association (IATA). To ensure safe delivery, temperature-regulated packaging solutions must adhere to these temperature regulations as well as any additional requirements stipulated by the country of origin.

It's also important to note that temperature-sensitive products must be transported in temperature-controlled vehicles and monitored regularly throughout the journey. This ensures that temperature-sensitive products are kept within the temperature range and arrive at their destination safely.

Technology can play an instrumental role in temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport. Various temperature monitoring devices (including temperature sensors and temperature-controlled packaging solutions) can be used to track temperatures during each step of the transit process.

For example, the transport service will have special vehicles with temperature recording devices to monitor product temperature throughout the journey. This way, temperature-sensitive products can be tracked and monitored in real-time for temperature fluctuations to ensure they remain within temperature standards.

Contact a shipping professional for more details if you need more information about temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport. They can provide valuable insights into temperature regulations and temperature monitoring technology to help put your mind at ease if you need temperature-sensitive products delivered.